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Encyclopedia of International Organizations and Indonesia’s Interests in Them

 Penulis: Yasmi Adriansyah, Ph.D., Dr. Ujang Komarudin, M.Si., Fadhilah Wiriatma, S.IP ; editor, M.R. Muchlis  Category: Umum  Publisher: UAI Press  ISBN: 978-623-90930-9-9  Laman: 292  Negara: Indonesia  Bahasa: Bahasa Inggris  Dimension: 14,8x21  Tags: EncyclopediaInternational OrganizationIO | More Details

To get broader understanding on Indonesia’s interest in international organizations, this book is one of the good references that can be used. In a form of encyclopedia, this book enables readers to understand what international organizations are, the types of international organizations, theoretical perspectives from prominent scholars, and most importantly about Indonesia’s interest in them. If most of similar books out there use complex dictions and complicated terminology, this book is easy to read, easy to understand, and packed with the list of international organizations in which readers can find general information starting from the founding year, mandates, regimes, and so forth.

Ultimately, this book is suitable for first year students and above who are interested to the study of international organizations and regimes. Hence, I truly recommend this book for further reading and hope the authors could produce other books that could give insightful knowledge and great reading experience for the readers in the near future.


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