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International Organizations, China, Indonesia, and ASEAN : Theories, Facts, and Trends

 Penulis: Yin Shi Wu, Ph.D., Yasmi Adriansyah, Ph.D  Category: Umum  Publisher: UAI Press  ISBN: 978-623-94105-7-5  Laman: 160  Negara: Indonesia  Bahasa: Bahasa Inggris  Dimension: 14,8x21  Tags: ASEANAsia PivotChinaIdeologyIndonesiaInternational LawInternational OrganizationInternational RegimeIOLiberalismObamaTrade | More Details

Tracing back the memory lane, we once acknowledged President Barack Obama’s view towards Asia, as he called the ‘Asia Pivot’ in his foreign policy. He believed in Asia’s growing potentials that could benefit US for further engagement in the forthcoming years. On the one hand, the fact of China’s rise in the region has created new challenges in global politics, particularly for the US.

Despite the acrimonious race between US and China, the world has paid more attention to ASEAN. Some experts forecast that ASEAN countries shall present greater opportunities especially in economy, as their combined GDP accounts for about $2.8 Trillion (US – ASEAN Business Council, 2019). With this economic potential, ASEAN will play important role in the region and even in global. In addition, the increasing role from its member for example Indonesia, will make international relations in Asia more interesting to highlight.

In respect to the current development, this book provides comprehensive discussions on international relations in Asia, including international organizations, China, Indonesia, and ASEAN. The discussions consist of three chapters, and each chapter presents fruitful information covering theories, facts, latest trends, and case studies. In chapter I, the discussion shall begin with Ideology and Theory that consists of Conceptual Framework, theoretical perspectives of Liberalism and Constructivism, Liberalism in World Politics and International Organizations, Constructivism in the Analysis of World Politics, International Law, then followed by complete understanding on International Regime.


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